
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pallet Wine Rack

The Pallet Wine Rack tutorial has moved to it's new home. 

Click here to view the post. 


  1. okay...I am DOING THIS! Thank you so much for posting, I was hoping you would. It looks amazing :)

  2. That is SO pretty! :) Love it! I am a new follower to your blog! Erin

  3. I LOVE THIS!!! We have been wanting to revamp our wine closet, this would be perfect, thank you for sharing and linking! I can't log in so I'm anonymous for now, sorry!
    My Uncommon slice of suburbia

  4. That is so inspiring!! Thanks for the idea :) I have a pallet that would be perfect for this...

  5. Thanks everyone! We had such a great time making it. Now we are working on a pallet bench for our entry way... stay tuned!

  6. This is awesome...It took me a while to find your blog after I saw this on pinterest.
    Thanks for sharing! I hope you don't mind if I share this on my blog...
    ~Kelly @ Corner of Main

  7. Kelly,
    I would love it if you shared it on your blog!! We have really been enjoying it!

  8. This is awesome! What a fabulous project. I'm seeing something similar to hold plates and such in the kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration.

    (Stopping over from Corner of Main.)

  9. How did you attach this to the wall? I've been thinking about making one of these since I saw it, but I'm unsure as to how to put something that heavy on the wall without it falling (because, of course, I'd cry if all my wine broke!) ;)

  10. @Kim, Thanks! I think it would work great to hold plates! I have seen this similar design used for book shelves also.
    @Anonymous, We found the studs and screwed into them. I agree.... I would cry if all of our wine broke!

  11. Awesome, thanks so much!

  12. Looks awesome! I'm almost done w/ mine.... gonna see what it looks like w/ a slightly broken piece for the top back rail.

  13. @Chris, I would LOVE to see a picture when you're done!! Pallets are a pain to work with sometimes. Wood glue often comes in handy ;)

  14. any suggestions on how to attach it to the wall?

    1. HI! Because of the weight of the bottles, we decided to screw directly into the studs. If you don't plan to hang things as heavy as wine bottles, you could use a picture hanging kit with wire but I would be worried about how stable it would stay. I hope this helps. :)

    2. Pallet projects are great and all, but you have to be careful. Many pallets are treated with chemicals and should not be used indoors. Some are heat treated and are fine to use. There is a labeling code which identifies either way. Also, you will want to make sure that the pallet is in good shape and is not harboring any pests or molds.

    3. You have a good point! I forgot to add that information into my post. I have updated it to include the codes and precautions. Thanks you for pointing that out!

  15. Great idea! We have recreated this project and are now wondering how best to attach it to the wall since it is pretty heavy. What did you guys do?


    1. Hi Sarah! I am so glad you made one of these! We ended up drilling holes through the rack and screwing it directly into the studs in the wall. That way we would feel comfortable putting heavy items on it.
      Hope that helps!

  16. Very cool! Especially love that it is filled with some tasty Walla Walla wines!!

    1. Thanks Elaine! We love Walla Walla wines!!! :)

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Hi, I love this idea and have been considering something along these lines for my hubby's collection of empty bottles that he hasn't used yet. The only thing that concerns me is that the full bottles are not being stored properly. To store wine properly the wine should be touching the cork. Great idea though! Thanks for the inspiration.

  19. If you have a dozen bottles, ready for drinking within a month or two, then all you may need is a wine rack that sits on the floor in a closet somewhere on the north side of the house.

  20. I like very much your work,
    I do the same in Portugal and you can see in:
    For The Wilsons... Thanks for the inspiration 2.

  21. I love this simple wine rack. Its pure wood and the colour is so antique and bold its really suits with the whole furniture

  22. What a great idea. We have a wooden wine rack in the pantry. We don't drink so I'm not even sure what it is holding right now. I will have to go look at it and try to come out with a good idea. Thanks for getting me thinking....
    For More Info Here

  23. Tough this rack design is very simple and traditional but believe me it is the most popular design and I see pallet design every where.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Thanks a lot for providing such a nice information. I have seen some nice collection in this blog. The way you have presented your words stuns good and I really got impressed by reading your blog. The Pallet Rack is designed in such a way with wooden screws, so that it holds good to store bunch of wine bottles together in a single rack.

  26. Something to remember when cutting the pallet. Interior wall studs are spaced on 16 inch centers. Adjust your upright boards to meet these dimensions and you will have three anchor points.

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  27. This is awesome! What did you use to attach it to your wall?

  28. It's starting to look good! Every kitchen needs a wine rack I think :)

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